What else can I say?
I had a shitty week. I crashed. That's the only way to describe it. I was flying high...and then I crashed. I can't pinpoint a specific moment, but my downward slide definitely began about 9 days ago. I had a crazy day at work - I was on my feet all day, pushing a poor man in a wheelchair around the hospital (long story, but I'm going to go ahead and blame a Doc for mistaking "Speech-Language Pathologist" for "Porter"). I got home, laid on the couch, and haven't really gotten off of it since. I got Nancy Kerriganed. It started with all-over aches and pains in my knees and hip, and then moved to "the shocks." "The shocks" have riddled my knee since the beginning of this whole knee fiasco a year and a half ago. I've never been tasered, but I would imagine that "the shocks" feel much like someone is directly tasering my knee. Picture a dog, donning a shock collar, who has just left the boundaries of his yard. That's what I look like. I yelp, jump a bit, lick my butt, and then carry on. It's exhausting. The one thing I've found that reduces the intensity is Tramadol. Do you recall the Tramadol? That's that pesky drug I became addicted to last spring. Tramadol is effective in reducing my pain; however, it causes me to drool and lay lifeless on my couch. Yikes. Unfortunately, that's what my week looked like. I limped around the hospital, wide-eyed and screeching in pain occasionally, then crashed on my couch in a puddle of drool at 4:30....and the bad dreams returned. You know the frustrating dreams where Dr. M is my volleyball coach? This week he benched me and yelled at me in Afrikaans. I don't speak Afrikaans. It sucked. It reminded me of where I was. I thought I had this. I thought I was in control. I'm not. Perhaps I never will be.
Physio saw me pathetically limping around and suggested that I start temporarily using the cane until this "flare-up" diminished. The practical side of my brain understands why I would benefit from the cane for a few days. The practical side of my brain realizes that I'm not helping myself by limping around the hospital. The emotional side; however, had a very strong reaction to that suggestion.
I have created this negative symbol in my mind. To me, the cane represents "broken." I know it's wrong. I'm a rehabilitation therapist for God's sake. I know better! But the thought of using that damn cane again freaks me right out. When physio suggested the cane for a few days, I felt my chin quiver and my eyes well up with tears. I HATE that cane. To be completely honest, it's mostly superficial. I hate the way people look at me when I'm on that cane. The "Awwwwww's" and pity in their eyes makes me feel this big (I'm gesturing teeny tiny with my thumb and index finger right now). On the other hand, the practical side of brain tells me that I'm not fooling anyone right now with that awkward limp anyway - the people who notice know that I am struggling right now...cane or no cane.
We leave for our big holiday in 1 week. We are going to Bali - definitely a "bucket list" trip. In my mind, this vacation was planned as a victory celebration - successfully making it through the most challenging few years of our life. This set-back is so disappointing but I'm presently glued to my couch, leg elevated and heated, pampering this knee to prepare it for a big adventure. I'm presently off of all physical activity - no physio, no yoga, no weights, and no drunk dancing. I'm worrying about this knee settling down - I honestly thought that I was over the worst and this whole challenging journey was coming to an end - an end with a fairy tale ending, of course :) I'm hopeful that this is just another minor set-back and learning lesson in this ride that I'm still very much on.
Finally, motivational posters are annoying me this week. I posted a few on my wall - you know "Never give up," "Stay strong," blah blah blah. They aren't helping. So I took some time to find a few of my favorite DEmotivational posters. Enjoy.
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